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Questions and Discussions - Page 2 of 3

A place for International Traders to ask questions, offer answers, and participate in discussions. Not for posting import and export trade leads.


No product photos were provided Quick Vote Are You A Seller Exporter, Or Buyer Importer, Or A Shipper, Or . . . (traderscity USA-US Usa) 12 Aug, 2007 - Quick Vote: Are you a Seller / Exporter, or Buyer / Importer, or a Shipper, Or . . . ? Select your applicable answer and view what others selected.

No product photos were provided Real Examples Of Scam Offers To Avoid (traderscity USA-US Usa) 12 Aug, 2007 - Here you will find actual copies of scam emails we and others receive. We are displaying them here so others can avoid falling victims to them. Protec....

No product photos were provided Possible Overpayment / Refund Scam (traderscity USA-US Usa) 06 Aug, 2007 - We received the following question from one of our board visitors: Subject: Closing a deal. Sunday, August 05 2007 Message: I have a client that wants....

No product photos were provided How Is The Performance Of Spindle Counter On Soil And Dirty Currency Notes? (traderscity USA-US Usa) 28 Jul, 2007 - We received the following question: Contact Name: H S KHan Subject: spindle counter Message: Dear Sir/ MS We are one of the supplier of Banking equipm....

No product photos were provided Quick Vote: Which One Of These Methods Do You Mostly Use To Make New Connections? (traderscity USA-US Usa) 24 Jun, 2007 - Which one of these methods do you mostly use to make new connections with other importers and exporters? Select your applicable answer and view what o....

No product photos were provided Quick Vote: How Many Years Have You Been Using The Internet For Your Import Export Business? (traderscity USA-US Usa) 03 Jun, 2007 - Select your applicable answer and view what others selected. How many years have you been using the Internet to research, sell, or buy for your Import....

No product photos were provided Quick Vote: Did You Or Your Business Lose Money Because Of An Online Scam / Fraud? (traderscity USA-US Usa) 25 Apr, 2007 - Select your applicable option and view what others said. Did You or Your Business Lose Money Because of an Online Scam / Fraud? Common online scams ar....

No product photos were provided Which Import Export Payment Method Do You Mostly Use? (traderscity USA-US Usa) 08 Apr, 2007 - Select your applicable option and view what others said. Which import export payment method do you mostly use?

No product photos were provided How Many Years Have You Been Importing And Or Exporting (traderscity USA-US Usa) 19 Mar, 2007 - Select your applicable option and view what others said. How many years have you been importing/ exporting?

No product photos were provided Help Request: Supplier In India Refuses To Pay Commissions (traderscity USA-US Usa) 14 Feb, 2007 - We received the following question from one of our board members: I don't know if you have any good suggestions on this problem which did not arise wi....

(All times are (GMT) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca)

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