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Products By Category

Absorbent socks

Absorbent socks Trade Leads:

Universal Grey Absorbent Socks Universal Grey Absorbent Socks - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 4 December 2018 2:47 am - universal grey absorbent socks this is a universal absorbent sock absorbs water oils and cleans up acids caustics solvents urine bodily fluids flammable and toxic liquids ...

Chemical Yellow Absorbent Socks Chemical Yellow Absorbent Socks - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 4 December 2018 2:47 am - chemical yellow absorbent socks chemical and hazmat absorbent socks are designed to contain and absorb hazardous liquids such as acids caustics oils coolants solvents and othe...

Oil And Fuel Absorbent Sock Oil And Fuel Absorbent Sock - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 4 December 2018 2:45 am - oil and fuel absorbent sock oil absorbent socks are the perfect containment option for smaller spills and job sites often used for quick containment around vehicles valves s...

Selected Products Images
Universal Grey Absorbent Socks

Chemical Yellow Absorbent Socks

100% Pp Hazmat Chemical Absorbent Socks For Spill Control 100% Pp Hazmat Chemical Absorbent Socks For Spill Control - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 24 November 2017 2:25 am - 100% pp hazmat chemical absorbent socks for spill control we support customization any inquiries such as specifications color etc please feel free to contact us by email or cellphone 100% pp hazmat c...

Hazmat Chemical Absorbents Socks And Dikes Hazmat Chemical Absorbents Socks And Dikes - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 24 November 2017 2:22 am - hazmat chemical absorbents socks and dikes we support customization any inquiries such as specifications color etc please feel free to contact us by email or cellphone hazmat absorbent...

Chemical Spill Absorbent Sock Chemical Spill Absorbent Sock - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 24 November 2017 2:13 am - chemical spill absorbent sock we support customization any inquiries such as specifications color etc please feel free to contact us by email or cellphone chemical spill a...

Coastal Oil-only Sorbent Sock Coastal Oil-only Sorbent Sock - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 24 November 2017 2:06 am - coastal oil only sorbent sock we support customization any inquiries such as specifications color etc please feel free to contact us by email or cellphone coastal oil only...

Chemical Absorbent Sock Chemical Absorbent Sock - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 24 November 2017 2:01 am - chemical absorbent sock we support customization any inquiries such as specifications color etc please feel free to contact us by email or cellphone these hazmat che...

General Purpose Universal Spill Absorbent Sock General Purpose Universal Spill Absorbent Sock - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 23 November 2017 2:25 am - general purpose universal spill absorbent sock we support customization any inquiries such as specifications color etc please feel free to contact us by email or cellphone universal sorben...

Special Universal Absorbent Sock Special Universal Absorbent Sock - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 23 November 2017 2:11 am - special universal absorbent sock we support customization any inquiries such as specifications color etc please feel free to contact us by email or cellphone universal absorb...

Oil-only Absorbent Socks Oil-only Absorbent Socks - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 22 November 2017 6:41 am - oil only absorbent socks we support customization any inquiries such as specifications color etc please feel free to contact us by email or cellphone oil only absorbe...

Oil-only Absorbent Socks 7.6cm Diameter X120cm Oil-only Absorbent Socks 7.6cm Diameter X120cm - JXYOilSpillExporters ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 22 November 2017 6:35 am - oil only absorbent socks 7 6cm diameter x120cm we support customization any inquiries such as specifications color etc please feel free to contact us by email or cellphone oil absorbent so...

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