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Industrial use gases


Industrial use gases Latest Trade Leads

Hydrogen Sulfide, H2s Specialty Gas Hydrogen Sulfide, H2s Specialty Gas - taiyugas ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 24 November 2023 3:46 am - hydrogen sulfide h2s specialty gas hydrogen sulfide h2s specialty gas product description hydrogen sulfide is an inorganic compound that is a flammable acid gas at standard conditi... [Hydrogen sulfide]

Hydrogen Chloride, Hcl Specialty Gas Hydrogen Chloride, Hcl Specialty Gas - taiyugas ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 27 April 2023 3:02 am - hydrogen chloride hcl specialty gas hydrogen chloride hcl specialty gas hydrogen chloride is a colorless gas with a pungent odor which is highly irritating to the upper respiratory ... [Hydrogen sulfide]

Psa Carbon Monoxide Purification Plant Psa Carbon Monoxide Purification Plant - PKUPIONEER ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 17 August 2020 5:07 am - psa carbon monoxide purification plant pioneer’s independently developed and produced psa co adsorbent pu 1 was granted the chinese usa and canadian patents pu 1 has ultra high adsorpti... [Industrial air]

Psa Oxygen Generator / System Psa Oxygen Generator / System - PKUPIONEER ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 17 August 2020 3:34 am - psa oxygen generator system there has been a growing demand for small and medium sized oxygen equipment with rapid development of the national economy in recent years beijing ... [Industrial air]

Vpsa Industrial Oxygen Plant / Unit Vpsa Industrial Oxygen Plant / Unit - PKUPIONEER ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 17 August 2020 3:26 am - vpsa industrial oxygen plant unit vacuum pressure swing adsorption vpsa is an advanced gas separation technology that utilizes the different selectivity of adsorbents for gas molec... [Industrial air]

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