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Metallic fibers and filaments


Metallic fibers and filaments Latest Trade Leads

Hot-dipped Galvanzied Wire Hot-dipped Galvanzied Wire - gysteelfiber ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 5 March 2021 3:30 am - hot dipped galvanzied wire hot dip galvanized wire is also made of high quality low carbon steel wire rod q195 q235 it is processed by drawing molding pickling rust remov... [Steel fiber]

Dumbbell Shaped Steel Fiber Dumbbell Shaped Steel Fiber - gysteelfiber ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 5 March 2021 3:29 am - dumbbell shaped steel fiber shearing strength steel fiber application 1 construction engineering house building cast in place pile frame node roof and underground waterpr... [Steel fiber]

Micro Copper Coated Steel Fiber Micro Copper Coated Steel Fiber - gysteelfiber ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 5 March 2021 3:29 am - micro copper coated steel fiber micro fibers are filaments of steel wire for reinforcement of concrete and mortar for manufacturing micro fibers are using wires of different diame... [Steel fiber]

Loose Hooked End Steel Fiber Loose Hooked End Steel Fiber - gysteelfiber ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 5 March 2021 3:28 am - loose hooked end steel fiber steel fiber is a kind of fine steel wire with length and diameter in a certain range which is added to enhance the performance of concrete manufa... [Steel fiber]

Galvanized Steel Fiber Galvanized Steel Fiber - gysteelfiber ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 5 March 2021 3:27 am - galvanized steel fiber galvanized steel fiber an alternate concrete reinforcing material are high tensile galvanized steel wires with hooked ends glued together by the w... [Steel fiber]

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