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Ocean floor equipment


Ocean floor equipment Latest Trade Leads

Hydraulic Gate Valve Hydraulic Gate Valve - aqemachinery ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 26 August 2020 2:22 am - hydraulic gate valve 2000 15000psi 1 13 16 quot to 7 1 16 quot the wellhead gate valve wholesale is available with an optional manual closing and locking screw the ... [Subsea production wellhead equipment]

Choke Valve Choke Valve - aqemachinery ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 26 August 2020 2:20 am - choke valve choke valve choke valves are supplied in two types positive and amp #8233 adjustable designed as per api6a api 16c nace mr0175 choke valve ... [Subsea production wellhead equipment]

Expanding Gate Valves Expanding Gate Valves - aqemachinery ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 26 August 2020 2:17 am - expanding gate valves expanding gate valves expanding gate valve consists of one gate body and related gate segment the contact surface amp #8233 between are designed t... [Subsea production wellhead equipment]

Ball Screw Gate Valves Ball Screw Gate Valves - aqemachinery ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 26 August 2020 2:16 am - ball screw gate valves ball screw gate valves the body and flanges are integral non welding shot blasting for every parts of valve phosphating to improve amp #8233 co... [Subsea production wellhead equipment]

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