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Sodium Bromide Calcium Bromide Sodium Bromate Sodium Bromide Calcium Bromide Sodium Bromate - ydbromine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 18 August 2011 1:59 am - sodium bromide calcium bromide sodium bromate usage amp #65306 this product is used for making sensitive emulsion of photographic film and for making medicinal intermediates in medico industrie... [Hypnotic bromides - Sodium bromide]

No product photos were provided Sodium Bromide - Kimachem2010 ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 14 May 2010 8:15 am - sodium bromide product name sodium bromide molecular formula nabr molecular weight 102 9 specifications appearance white crystal assay 99% min degree of cle... [Hypnotic bromides - Sodium bromide]

Phosphorus Tribromide Calcium Sodium Bromide Phosphorus Tribromide Calcium Sodium Bromide - ydbromine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 5 March 2009 6:44 am - phosphorus tribromide calcium sodium bromide we are manufacturing and supplying of all kinds of chemicals the following are the chemicals that we manufacture are sodium bromide sodium bromat... [Hypnotic bromides - Sodium bromide]

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