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Industrial optics


Industrial optics Latest Trade Leads

Corner Cube Prism Corner Cube Prism - syccooptics ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 25 October 2024 1:14 am - corner cube prism corner cube prism has three mutually perpendicular surfaces and a hypotenuse face   it operates on the principle of total internal reflection tir  ... [Optical blanks - Prism blanks]

Plano Concave Lenses Plano Concave Lenses - syccooptics ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 25 October 2024 1:12 am - plano concave lenses plano concave lenses have one concave surface it has negative focal length it is often used to expand light or to increase focal length in existin... [Lenses and prisms - Lenses]

High Precision Waveplates Optical Components High Precision Waveplates Optical Components - upthanson ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 9 October 2024 6:37 am - high precision waveplates optical components upt can provide many kinds of waveplates follow amp #65279 zero order waveplates ture zero order waveplates dual wavelength waveplates achroma... [Miscellaneous optical components - Optical beamsplitters]

High Precision Scanning Galvanometer High Precision Scanning Galvanometer - upthanson ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 9 October 2024 6:28 am - high precision scanning galvanometer upt can offer optical scanning galvanometers applied in laser scanning systems they are mainly used for the deflection of beam deflectors to reali... [Miscellaneous optical components - Optical flats]

High Precision Prisms And Light Guide Optical Compments High Precision Prisms And Light Guide Optical Compments - upthanson ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 9 October 2024 6:13 am - high precision prisms and light guide optical compments upt can provide customized products such as uncoated plano optical waveplates windows polarizing beam splitters prisms etc plano optical compon... [Optical device accessories - Optical coatings]

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