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Power sources


Power sources Latest Trade Leads

Permanent Magnet Motor, Fans, Pumps Permanent Magnet Motor, Fans, Pumps - ShaoxingJiayu ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 4 November 2024 7:29 am - permanent magnet motor fans pumps including machinery fans pumps textiles chemical engineering petroleum power generation compressors injection molding machines and crushers... [Electric alternating current AC motors - Synchronous motor AC]

Sell Yanmar 3ym30ae 29hp Marine Engine Diesel Inboard Engine Sell Yanmar 3ym30ae 29hp Marine Engine Diesel Inboard Engine - RSTMarine ( Hong Kong-HK Hong Kong ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 25 September 2024 1:37 am - sell yanmar 3ym30ae 29hp marine engine diesel inboard engine sell yanmar 3ym30ae 29hp marine engine diesel inboard engine rated output 21 3 kw 29 1 mhp rated speed 3200 rpm displacement 1 266 l 77 cu... [Engines - Diesel engines]

0.75kw-315kw Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor 0.75kw-315kw Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor - WindmaxPower ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 6 September 2024 7:38 am - 0 75kw 315kw permanent magnet synchronous motor a permanent magnet synchronous motor pmsm is a combination of coil winding in its stator core and permanent magnets in its rotor core it feature... [Electric alternating current AC motors - Synchronous motor AC]

High Voltage Squirrel Cage Induction Motor High Voltage Squirrel Cage Induction Motor - zclgroup ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 20 August 2024 7:30 am - high voltage squirrel cage induction motor ykk series squirrel cage high voltage three phase asynchronous induction motor is a cage type asynchronous motor with closed air to air cooler this... [Electric alternating current AC motors - Induction motor AC]

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