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Gum rosin

Gum rosin Trade Leads:

Poly Alkyl Phenol Disulfide Va Tb710 Poly Alkyl Phenol Disulfide Va Tb710 - QingdaoScienocChemical ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Sunday 12 April 2015 1:23 pm - poly alkyl phenol disulfide va tb710 arkema vultac tb710 equivalent sulfur content 26 4%~28 4% softening point 75~95 amp #8451 stearic acid content 9 0 11 0% j1710 is a non nitrosam...

Gum Rosin Gum Rosin - HUPCChemical ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 26 July 2011 8:29 am - gum rosin gum rosin gum rosin 1 specifications of gum rosin grade x ww wg n m k appearance transparent solid softening point r amp amp b กใ...

No product photos were provided Want To Buy Petrochemicals, Pigments, Carbon Black, Gum Rosin, Polyamide Resin, Solvents, Other - Via Quick Buy Import Form ( USA-US Usa ) - Offers to Buy and Import - Monday 14 January 2008 1:16 am - want to buy petrochemicals pigments carbon black gum rosin polyamide resin solvents other contact name alhamra papers want to buy petrochemicals pigments carbon black gum rosin polyamide resin solvents offset paper photocopy pa...

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