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Harvesters - Page 2

Harvesters Trade Leads:

Mini Sugarcane Harvester Mini Sugarcane Harvester - farmingmachine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 6 March 2014 7:36 am - mini sugarcane harvester mini sugarcane harvester mini sugarcane harvester usually is self propel sugarcane harvester or connected with tractors it has functions of pickin...

Potato Harvester Potato Harvester - farmingmachine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 6 March 2014 7:31 am - potato harvester potato harvester introduction potato harvesters are machines designed for potato harvesting this machine can finish mining soil and potato separa...

Mini Cotton Harvester Mini Cotton Harvester - runyuan ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 4 March 2014 7:00 am - mini cotton harvester features 1 it is with small volume light weight high efficiency and easy cooperation 2 each operator could get 200 300kg cottons by the machin...

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Mini Sugarcane Harvester

Potato Harvester

Portable Cotton Picker Harvester Portable Cotton Picker Harvester - runyuan ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 4 March 2014 6:39 am - portable cotton picker harvester portable cotton picker machine mini cotton picking machine small cotton harvester 1 easy operation 2 light for carry 3 high cotton picking effi...

Sell Three-row Self-propelled Corn Harvester Sell Three-row Self-propelled Corn Harvester - farmingmachine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 13 February 2014 1:53 am - sell three row self propelled corn harvester three row self propelled corn harvester highlights 1 it is a combine corn harvester with reaping 3 rows corn finishing corncob picking stripping...

Sell Two-row Self-propelled Corn Harvester Sell Two-row Self-propelled Corn Harvester - farmingmachine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 13 February 2014 1:51 am - sell two row self propelled corn harvester two row self propelled corn harvester features 1 the harvester can reap two rows of corn and is a combine harvester realizing corncob picking s...

Paddy Reaper Harvester Paddy Reaper Harvester - farmingmachine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 19 December 2013 6:10 am - paddy reaper harvester reaper harvester introduction the invention of the reaper harvester is to cut down the wheat and lay flat in the field the machine is a kind of ma...

Large Rice / Wheat Combine Harvester Large Rice / Wheat Combine Harvester - farmingmachine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 19 December 2013 5:58 am - large rice wheat combine harvester large rice wheat combine harvester self propelled and whole feeding design low malfunction and maintenance cost with 75 hp diesel engine 2 meters...

Medium Combine Paddy Harvester Medium Combine Paddy Harvester - farmingmachine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 3 December 2013 3:51 am - medium combine paddy harvester self propelled rice wheat harvester features 1 hydraulic force controlled header and double cutting blads 2 optimized design of threshing and c...

Driving-type Small Rice Harvester Driving-type Small Rice Harvester - farmingmachine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 3 December 2013 3:49 am - driving type small rice harvester driving type small rice harvester features 1 this diesel engine rice harvester integrates the functions of reaping and threshing 2 there is a s...

Walking-type Small Rice Harvester Walking-type Small Rice Harvester - farmingmachine ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Tuesday 3 December 2013 3:47 am - walking type small rice harvester walking type small rice harvester highlights 1 multi functional combine harvester with diesel engine amp #65306 mainly used for rice and wheat re...

Agricultural Machinery Complete Harvester 4yz-5 6588 Agricultural Machinery Complete Harvester 4yz-5 6588 - runyuan ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Sunday 22 September 2013 9:54 am - agricultural machinery complete harvester 4yz 5 6588 features 1 supporting reel protect cover makes repair and maintenance convenient 2 hidden front ladder makes operation simple and getting on...

Agricultural Machinery Complete Harvester 4yz-6 Agricultural Machinery Complete Harvester 4yz-6 - runyuan ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Sunday 22 September 2013 9:45 am - agricultural machinery complete harvester 4yz 6 specifications 1 supporting reel protect cover makes repairing and maintaining convenient 2 disguised front ladder makes operation simple an...

4lz-2 2018 Wheat And Rice Grain Combine Harvester 4lz-2 2018 Wheat And Rice Grain Combine Harvester - runyuan ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Sunday 22 September 2013 9:21 am - 4lz 2 2018 wheat and rice grain combine harvester wheat amp amp rice grain combine harvester wider bridge gearshift set power hp 90 6440*2850*3280mm 1 rice reaping machine mini rice harves...

Self Propelled Maize Combine Harvester 4yz-3 Self Propelled Maize Combine Harvester 4yz-3 - runyuan ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Sunday 22 September 2013 8:55 am - self propelled maize combine harvester 4yz 3 specification the harvesting no of rows 3 row spacing mm 500 600 output hm2 h 0 3~0 6 fuel consumption per unit area amp lt =30kg hm2 ...

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