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Offshore construction vessel service

Offshore construction vessel service Trade Leads:

Jidong Oil Field1-3 Island Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Post-trenching Project Year 2009 Jidong Oil Field1-3 Island Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Post-trenching Project Year 2009 - chinatimeast ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 26 March 2020 8:22 am - jidong oil field1 3 island submarine offshore pipeline post trenching project year 2009 jidong oil field1 3 island submarine offshore pipeline post trenching project year 2009 submarine gas pipeline repairing submarine optical cable...

Zhaodong Oil Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Post-trenching Project Year 2010 Zhaodong Oil Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Post-trenching Project Year 2010 - chinatimeast ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 26 March 2020 8:21 am - zhaodong oil submarine offshore pipeline post trenching project year 2010 zhaodong oil submarine offshore pipeline post trenching project year 2010 submarine gas pipeline laying china submarine gas pipeline laying pro...

Yuedong Oil Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Post-trenching Project Year 2011-2012 Yuedong Oil Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Post-trenching Project Year 2011-2012 - chinatimeast ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 26 March 2020 8:21 am - yuedong oil submarine offshore pipeline post trenching project year 2011 2012 yuedong oil submarine offshore pipeline post trenching project year 2011 2012 china submarine pipe repairing submarine pipeline repairing proje...

Liaobin Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Post-trenching Project Year 2016 Liaobin Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Post-trenching Project Year 2016 - chinatimeast ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 26 March 2020 8:20 am - liaobin submarine offshore pipeline post trenching project year 2016 liaobin submarine offshore pipeline post trenching project year 2016 submarine oil laying repairing underwater pipeline construction project in...

Tincy Energy Group Yuedong Oil Filed, Bumper Of Offshore / Subsea Production Platform A1, A2, Design Tincy Energy Group Yuedong Oil Filed, Bumper Of Offshore / Subsea Production Platform A1, A2, Design - chinatimeast ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 26 March 2020 8:20 am - tincy energy group yuedong oil filed bumper of offshore subsea production platform a1 a2 design tincy energy group yuedong oil filed bumper of offshore subsea production platform a1 a2 design fabrication and site installation china offshor...

Cfd11-2 Offshore / Subsea Oil Field Jumper Hose And Cable Check, Repair And Installation Between Spm Cfd11-2 Offshore / Subsea Oil Field Jumper Hose And Cable Check, Repair And Installation Between Spm - chinatimeast ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 26 March 2020 8:19 am - cfd11 2 offshore subsea oil field jumper hose and cable check repair and installation between spm cfd11 2 offshore subsea oil field jumper hose and cable check repair and installation between spm and fpso year 2007 2008 submarine cable repair...

Floating Hose Inspection, Displace, Installation Floating Hose Inspection, Displace, Installation - chinatimeast ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 26 March 2020 8:18 am - floating hose inspection displace installation floating hose inspection displace installation offshore pipe laying installation submarine pipe repairing timeast performed many cnooc qhd32 6 ...

Jz9-3 Oil Field Platform Anti-icing Design, Fabrication And Installation Year 2009 Jz9-3 Oil Field Platform Anti-icing Design, Fabrication And Installation Year 2009 - chinatimeast ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 26 March 2020 8:17 am - jz9 3 oil field platform anti icing design fabrication and installation year 2009 jz9 3 oil field platform anti icing design fabrication and installation year 2009 subsea pipeline installation china subsea pipeline installati...

Cnooc Ld Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Laying Project Year 2004 Cnooc Ld Submarine / Offshore Pipeline Laying Project Year 2004 - chinatimeast ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Thursday 26 March 2020 8:16 am - cnooc ld submarine offshore pipeline laying project year 2004 cnooc ld submarine offshore pipeline laying project year 2004 offshore pipe repairing offshore pipeline repairing company project introduction ...

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