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Tungsten W

Tungsten W Trade Leads:

Tungsten W Rod, Tungsten Bar Price Tungsten W Rod, Tungsten Bar Price - zzwm ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 March 2019 3:44 am - tungsten w rod tungsten bar price description grade   w1   specification dia 1 to 120mm length 3000mm max appearance  black  alkali washing  polishing  grinding shipment me...

Pure Tungsten W Rod, Tungsten Bar Pure Tungsten W Rod, Tungsten Bar - zzwm ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 March 2019 3:34 am - pure tungsten w rod tungsten bar tungsten w is a hard brittle corrosion resistant gray to white metallic element extracted from wolframite scheelite and other minerals hav...

Tungsten Sheet / Plate For Sapphire Crystal Growth Tungsten Sheet / Plate For Sapphire Crystal Growth - zzwm ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 March 2019 2:02 am - tungsten sheet plate for sapphire crystal growth tungsten plate mainly used in manufacturing electric light source and electric vacuum parts boats heatshield and heat bodies in high temperature f...

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Tungsten W Rod, Tungsten Bar Price

Pure Tungsten W Rod, Tungsten Bar

Alkaline Tungsten Sheet / Plate With High Purity Alkaline Tungsten Sheet / Plate With High Purity - zzwm ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Wednesday 27 March 2019 1:59 am - alkaline tungsten sheet plate with high purity tungsten plate mainly used in manufacturing electric light source and electric vacuum parts boats heatshield and heat bodies in high temperature f...

Tungsten Copper Alloy For Arc Horn Tungsten Copper Alloy For Arc Horn - Santy ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Monday 9 January 2017 7:16 am - tungsten copper alloy for arc horn we are a professional manufacturer of tungsten carbide tools and can produce extensive range tungsten copper tools with excellent endurance arc h...

Tungsten Crucibles Tungsten Crucibles - lukegkj ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 November 2014 9:00 am - tungsten crucibles we offer tungsten crucibles specifications 1 high density 17 0~18 5g cm3 2 special tungsten alloy products of various specs are available a...

Tungsten Alloy Disc Tungsten Alloy Disc - lukegkj ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 November 2014 7:18 am - tungsten alloy disc tungsten alloy disc is made of very dense metal it is 1 7 times heavier than lead only gold platinum and a few other rare metals have a similar ...

Tungsten Alloy Nail Shape Tungsten Alloy Nail Shape - lukegkj ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 November 2014 3:35 am - tungsten alloy nail shape tungsten alloy nail shape weights are thin and nail like weights inserted into soft plastic baits like jerk baits sticks or finesse worms they ar...

Member Business Card

Member: Santy
Country: China
Member since: 13 April 2008
Total Leads: 517
Business focus: Tungsten Carbide, Indexable Insert, Tungsten Alloy

Tungsten Ball With Three Hole Tungsten Ball With Three Hole - lukegkj ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 November 2014 3:03 am - tungsten ball with three hole we provide various specification tungsten balls with hole which can be used as finshing sinker and many industries the density of the tungsten bal...

Tungsten Alloy Radiation Focusing Ring Tungsten Alloy Radiation Focusing Ring - lukegkj ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 November 2014 2:23 am - tungsten alloy radiation focusing ring focusing ring used to adjust the lens so that the subject appears sharp on the film or ccd most cameras now have automatic focus af some have ma...

Tungsten Bucking Bar For Mechanical Equipment Tungsten Bucking Bar For Mechanical Equipment - lukegkj ( China-CN China ) - Offers to Sell and Export - Friday 28 November 2014 2:08 am - tungsten bucking bar for mechanical equipment these tungsten bucking bar is a work tool received behind work surfaces to provide a backing member in applying impact fasteners and including inter...

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