Product Description:
we are looking for hyundai tracked excàvators Robex 210LC-3 and Robex 210LC-7
If you have any, please offer us.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Hein Frens
Company Name: Chess Itc
Tel: 0031651355244
Fax: 0031842236699
Street Address: F.a. Molijnlaan 88,
8071 AH Nunspeet, The Netherlands Website:
Member name: Chessitc
Country: Netherlands
Member Since: 13 May 2008
Total Leads: 56 Chessitc Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Import, Export, Construction Equipment, Excavator, Dozer, Caterpillar, Komatsu, Hitachi, Baumaschinen
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips
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