Product Description:
A trackless heavy-duty transfer vehicle driven by a motor driven by a motor and a gear reducer. Rubber
wheels can reduce damage to the ground, sometimes directly on the factory floor, without a limited running distance. 360° on-site steering to a narrower space operation, no angle protection, sound and light alarm, limit damping, encountering people stop and other devices to protect the safety of workers. The installation of PLC has become a fully automatic, unattended function that makes it more intelligent and has become a pioneer in the industry 4.0 era. A battery supplies power to a DC motor through an electrical control system. We can make the trackless transfer cart start, stop, forward, retreat, turn, adjust speed and so on.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Jack
Company Name: Henan Perfect Handling Equipment Co., Ltd
Tel: 18737308904
Street Address: Jiayidongfangmingzhu
Xinxiang, Henan 453000
Member name: jackliu
Member Since: 26 November 2019
Total Leads:
5 jackliu Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Rail Transfer Cart, Trackless Handling Cart, Rail Guided Vehicle, Battery Power Transfer Cart, Agv, Industrial Trailer, Lifting Table
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