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24w-39w-54w T5 Ho High Output Leuchtstofflampen Licht, 4100k Farbtemperatur Kevin

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Wednesday 13 July 2011 7:19 am | Poster last visit: Monday 23 January 2023 |

Product Photo:

24w 39w 54w t5 ho leuchtstofflampen licht 4100k farbtemperatur kevin

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Product Description:

24W-39W-54W T5 HO High Output Leuchtstofflampen Licht, 4100K Farbtemperatur kevin

T5 HO-Glühbirne, hohe Leistung Sockel G5, cool white 4100K lineare Leuchtstofflampe, Rohrdurchmesser 16mm

Company Contact:

Lylight photo
Contact Name: James Hong
Company Name: Lylight Electric Co Limited
Email: Email
Tel: 0086-574-87526982
Street Address: 1c1, No.237,
Hongtang Middle Road, Ningbo 315000,
Website: https://www.lylight.com
Member name: Lylight
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 27 November 2008
Total Leads: 4355 Lylight Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Led Ring Light, Microscope, Accessories, Spare Parts
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