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3 Pezzi Passo Punte In Scatola Di Alluminio

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 14 January 2013 5:18 am | Poster last visit: Monday 15 July 2013 |

Product Photo:

3 pezzi passo punte scatola di alluminio

Similar Products Catalog:
Products Photos Catalog Pezzi Passo Punte Photos Catalog

Product Description:

1) Fase trapano impostato nella casella in alluminio, punta gradino rettilineo, punte a gradino metriche


Formati: millimetro 4-12/4-20/4-32

3) Superficie: rivestimento TiN

4) gambo rotondo, flauto dritto

Company Contact:

ShanghaiGreatcutting photo
Contact Name: Franny Wang
Company Name: Shanghai Greatcutting Tools
Email: Email
Tel: 0086-21-60542168
Fax: 0086-21-50521415
Street Address: No.258 Yihua Road,
Pudong, Shanghai, China 201201
Website: http://www.greatcutting.com
Member name: ShanghaiGreatcutting
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 09 August 2012
Total Leads: 39 ShanghaiGreatcutting Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Cutting Tools, Spot Weld Drills, Flow Drills, End Mills, Twist Drills, Taps, Dies, Reamers
Chat: Chat with Suppliers
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

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