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3500mm High Consistency Pulper

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 25 January 2010 2:37 am | Poster last visit: Monday 25 November 2019 |

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3500mm consistency pulper

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Product Description:

3500mm High Consistency pulper

The material of the pulping area is Q235, while the screening area has the stainless steel and Q235 for the users to choose.

Company Contact:

papermc photo
Contact Name: Vicky Wang
Company Name: Hengbon Industrial Co., Ltd.
Email: Email
MSN: Email
Skype: vicky_hengbon
Yahoo Messanger: Email
Tel: 0086 15610503516
Fax: 0086 532 82823216
Street Address: Hengbon Industrial Zone,
Zhucheng, Weifang, Shandong, China
Member name: papermc
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 12 January 2010
Total Leads: 2183 papermc Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Paper Machinery, Stock Preparation, Stock Pulper, Refiner, Pressure Screen, Paper, Machinery, Screen, Cleaner, Thruster, Washer, Conveyor, Thickener
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