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4lz-2 2058 Moissonneuse-batteuse

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Sunday 22 September 2013 8:59 am | Poster last visit: Thursday 20 March 2014 |

Product Photo:

4lz 2 2058 moissonneuse batteuse

Similar Products Catalog:
Products Photos Catalog 4lz 2058 Moissonneuse Photos Catalog

Product Description:

Main features:\

1. used for harvesting wheat and rice, soybean

2. unique threshing cylinder and threshing


3. reel stepless speed change

4. the fan auxiliary cylinder can perform the secondary handling of residual

5. the adjustable elongated tail sieve

6. fully hydraulic turning & stepless speed change walk device

7. large amount of commonly used parts are used for the machine to facilitate the purchase of parts as well as maintenance for users

Company Contact:

runyuan photo
Contact Name: Wendy Zhang
Company Name: Shandong Runyuan Industry Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 0086-635-8870015
Fax: 0086-635-8870015
Street Address: No.15 Linbo Road,
Linqing, Shandong 252653
Member name: runyuan
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 22 September 2013
Total Leads: 87 runyuan Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Hydraulic Cylinders For Tippers, Dump Truck, Compressing Machine, Hydraulic Dump Hoist, Crankshafts For Disel Engine, Agricultural Machinery
Chat: Chat with Suppliers
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