Product Description:
NP Nutra offers a High Quality Acerola P.E. 17% Vitamin C and Acerola P.E. 25% Vitamin C. Further products
are available upon request.
Acerola is well known for it high vitamin C content (up to 4.5% vitamin C per fruit compared to 0.05% found in a peeled orange). When compared to oranges, Acerola also provides double the amount of magnesium, potassium and pantothenic acid. It also is a significant source of vitamin A. Acerola's vitamin C content fluctuates according to season, climate and maturity of the fruit. Most commercially grown Acerola is harvested while it is still green because the fruit loses a substantial amount of vitamin C as it ripens. Acerola also has various mineral salts that can help stressed and tired skin to be remineralized. The proteins present in Acerola possess skin-hydrating properties and support capillary functioning. Currently more clinical research is being conducted on various properties and applications of Acerola.
The Acerola shrub can grow as high as 5 meters (or 17 feet). Its bright red fruits are as big as a cherry and, when ripe, have a pleasant somewhat tart taste. Acerola grows in the wild and in cultivation throughout northeastern Brazil, Jamaica and Central America. Juice from the Acerola fruit is as widespread in Brazil as orange juice is in the U.S.A.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Andrew Carter
Company Name: Np Nutra Corp
Tel: 1310-6943031
Fax: 1310-6062069
Street Address: 15171 S. Figueroa St.
Gardena, CA 20248, USA
Member name: npnutra
Member Since: 19 September 2009
Total Leads:
55 npnutra Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Wholesale, Superfruits, Organic Botanicals, Herbal Ingredients, Raw Materials, Bulk Herbs
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