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Acohol Prepad

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Wednesday 24 July 2013 7:10 am | Poster last visit: Thursday 29 August 2013 |

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Product Description:

Acohol prepad

70% Isopropyl Alcohol pad!


Saturated with 70% v/v Isopropyl Alcohol



before injection, in order to clean the skin, kill germs, avoid infection.

Alcohol prep pad are used for cleaning the skin surface, medical instrument and used as an antiseptic.

Alcohol prep pad are also used in food industry.


Clean, safety and comfortable and convenient to use

Suitable for cleaning the wounds and injection disinfection

Soft and gentle; cleans and moistens, builds a prevent layer after use

For professional and hospital use

Individually wrapped in sterile and water-resistant packages

Guards against possible secondary infection

Product Description

The alcohol prep pad are individually wrapped in sterile and water-resistant packages. Alcohol prep pad are used to clean the injection site before injection. Alcohol prep pad also remove any blood resulting from the injection from fingers and other surfaces. Alcohol prep pad are for single use only.

Company Contact:

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Contact Name: Jason Wang
Company Name: Sprocare Company Limited
Email: Email
Tel: 0086-571-89938368
Fax: 0086-571-89938366
Street Address: 303, 4f, E-new Era
Plaza, No.489, Fengtan Rd
Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310012
Website: https://www.sprocare.com
Member name: SPROCARE
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 24 July 2013
Total Leads: 74 SPROCARE Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Kiniesiology Tape, Band Aid, Surgical Tapes, Medical Bandages
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