Product Description:
Active ingredient:: scale extract content: [10:1 20:1]
About ant extract, we have produced two kinds,
10:1 and 20:1. And We can also offer other ratio according to the requirement of client. Chinese ant extract preparations (CAEP) are a Chinese traditional medicine which is mainly used as a health food or drink for the treatment of rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and antiaging in China. The effects on free radicals were examined by electron spin resonance spectrometry using the spin trapping agent 5.5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-1-oxide (DMPO). Superoxide radicals (3.35 x 10(15) spins/ml) were quenched 50% by the extract at 0.5 mg/ml. The CAEP extract at 0.7 mg/ml inhibited 50% of hydroxyl radicals (52.0 x 10(15) spins/ml) generated by the Fenton reaction.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Sophia He
Company Name: Daxinganling Lingonberry Group
Tel: 86 15377537012 or 86-452-6101888
Fax: 86 452 6197939
Street Address: 5f, C Liandalijing
Bulding, No 259 Xinjiang Road,
Jianhua District, Qiqihaer City,
Heilongjiang Province, China, 161000.
Member name: DaxinganlingLingonberry
Member Since: 06 May 2011
Total Leads:
77 DaxinganlingLingonberry Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Plant Extract
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