Product Description:
Adaptive Apex Locator
(the most accurate Apex Locator in 2009)
Price: 240 €
Аdaptive Apex
Locator belongs to the most recent - VI generation devices for measuring the root canal length. In combines, the advantages of the two most popular methods of measurement - Prof.Sunada` method for "dry" canal and a method of Prof. Kobayashi for, so called, "wet" root canal.
Advantages of the method:
• achieving of the highest accuracy and eliminating subjective errors of the dentist, associated with bad wetting or drying of the canal;
• no further manipulations is need for irrigation of the root canal or manipulations for drying of the root canal.
Technical features:
• The Adaptive Apex Locator belongs to the group of the so called “SUPER COMPACT APEX LOCATORS”. The device can operate on a stand, on a hand, to be putted in your pocket or dentist clips it by the built in clamp on the patient’s bib;
• the device is the first “talking” Apex Locator;
• the device is the first Apex locator with color multimedia liquid crystal display;
• for the first time in this Adaptive Apex Locator was developed logical filter for filtering of the random messages.
Adaptive Apex Locator is the first one, equipped with a tester, to verify the efficiency of the device and its appliances.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Peter Todoroff
Company Name: Optica Laser
Tel: +359 2 822 11 05
Fax: +359 2 822 34 96
Street Address: 1360 Sofia, 34
"3020"str., Bulgaria
Member name: opticalaser
Member Since: 13 July 2010
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4 opticalaser Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Dental Equipment
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