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Bolted Steel Anaerobic Digester Tank

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Tuesday 24 March 2020 9:27 am | Poster last visit: Tuesday 7 April 2020 |

Product Category: Main » Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and Supplies » Containers and storage » Tanks and cylinders and their accessories » Storage tanks » Bolted Steel Anaerobic Digester Tank

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With the promotion of renewable bio-energy in recent years, biogas project has become one of the important

ways to increase farmers' income. The application of biogas can effectively alleviate the contradiction between agricultural breeding and environmental protection.

Anaerobic digestion (AD) the processing of plant materials (biomass) into gases for heating and generating electricity; The resulting gas, called methane or biogas, is produced by bacteria digesting the biomass and producing methane as a by-product.

Biomass includes anything that comes from plants; Municipal solid waste, manure, crop residues, compost, food waste, paper and waste water. Crops can be used exclusively for AD, as supplemental feedstocks, or as stabilizing materials. Biogas has been used in Britain since 1895, when the city of Exeter used methane from sewage to power street lamps.

Conventional concrete pools and ordinary steel structures do not have these advantages in biogas engineering. The construction of concrete tank is complicated, the installation cycle is long, the maintenance cost is high, is not suitable for the small and medium-sized methane project, our glass melt into steel tank can solve the above problems, at the same time has the installation is quick, easy to expand, easy to dismantle, easy to move the advantages. Is that why more and more people choose glass melting steel cans as anaerobic digesters.

Glass melt steel is made of two materials -- enamel glaze and steel plate surface after 850-940℃ heat treatment to fuse together, forming a tough inert combination, combining the strength of steel and glass excellent chemical and physical corrosion resistance. Glass molten steel tank is the best choice for anaerobic digester, it is composed of glass molten steel tank and double membrane roof, as a fermentation, gas production, gas storage tank.

Center Enamel Co., Ltd (Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd) is a professional manufacturer dedicated in industrial and household enamel products’ design and fabrication since 1989. We are not only the first one in China to produce Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks, but also the most professional Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks manufacturer in Asia. it will be very glad to receive your email for product’s information or project’s quotation. Center Enamel is a well established, world-leading storage tanks manufacturer in China.

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Contact Name: Center Enamel
Company Name: Center Enamel
Email: Email
Tel: 15013092031
Street Address: No.81 Huaan E.road,
Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050000
Website: https://www.cectank.com
Member name: CenterEnamel
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 24 February 2020
Total Leads: 37 CenterEnamel Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Glass Fused to Steel Tanks, Stainless Steel Bolted Tanks, Roofs And Covers, Tank Ancillaries
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