Product Description:
Product Identification: Cactus Extracts
Latin Name:Opuntia dillenii Haw
Ingredient Name: Caralluma
Specification: 10:1, 20:1
Test Method: TLC
Appearance:Yellow-Brown Fine powder
Grade: Pharma grade
Part used: Stem/leaf
Appearance: Brownish yellow fine powder
Action and uses: Cactus extract contains powerful antioxidants, may be helpful in gastic ulcer prevention, has blood lipid and cholesterol lowering potential, and may even ease hangover symptoms. Consumption of cactus extract decreases oxidative damage to lipids, and improves antioxidant status in healthy humans. Supplementation with vitamin C at a comparable dosage enhances overall antioxiant defense but does not significantly affect body oxidative stress.
Cactus Extract Main Function:
1.To lose weight .Cactus contains a substance called alcohol acid, can inhibit the growth of fat.
2. To lower blood sugar. Cactus with a variety of flavonoids such as quercetin -3 - glucoside. Significant hypoglycemic effect, can effectively improve the type ii diabetes glucose metabolism in patients.
3. Clearing away heat and toxic.
4. Promoting blood circulation and lowering blood pressure.
5. Anti-inflammatory.
Storage: Storage: Store in sealed containers at cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Kiki
Company Name: Yongyuan
Tel: 86-29-88346470
Fax: 86-29-88346470
Street Address: Hi-tech Zone,
Xi’an710077, China
Xi’an, Shaanxi 710077
Member name: ShaanxiYongyuanBioTech
Member Since: 01 June 2015
Total Leads:
14 ShaanxiYongyuanBioTech Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Plant Extract, Plant Extract Powder
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