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Cast Iron And Non-ferrous Metals Foundry

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Thursday 27 March 2008 12:34 pm | Poster last visit: Monday 7 April 2008 |

Product Photo:

cast iron non ferrous metals foundry

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Product Description:

The one of plants included in the Hydro-Vacuum's group is the Foundry, which produce a wide assortment

of castings for its own and for many customers needs-especially foreign customers.

Process engineering:

- Hydro-Vacuum S.A. Foundry is excellent for batch deliveries which require to use many kind of different technologies. The capacity of our Foundry is about 6 000 tons per year

- The foudry is equipped with modern, not troublesome devices, including medium frequency electric furnaces.

- Our own Pattern Shop prepares patterns made of wood, metals and epoxide resins.

- Metal melting processes are made in the induction furnaces, moulding sands are prepared in the automatic, electronically controled sand conditioning plant equipped with vibro-fluidizating disintergrator-refrigerating machine.

- Using manual technologies.

The cores are prepared using the following technologies:

- oil mass,

- cold core box method using Novanol 140 binder, hardened using CO2,

- hot core box method,

- by ceraminc Shaw's method, both manually and by machine.

The Moulding shop is equipped with automatic foundry lines of Disamatic, Webac and jolt-moulding machines.

Materials casted by the foundry:

Our production includes mainly high grade castings of grey cast iron, ductile cast iron, high chromium cast iron, copper-molybdenum cast iron and also castings made of non-ferrous metals like brass MK 80 and bronzes B 101, B 555.

Foundry processes are covered by Intergrated Quality Management System, Environmental Management System conformable to:

- ISO 9001:2000

- ISO 14001:1996

- PN-N - 18001:1999

Technical specification:

cast iron - cast iron with flake graphite (EN-GJL 150, EN-GJL 250) - weight up to 300 kg

cast iron - cast iron with nodular graphite (EN-GJS 350-22 LT, EN-GJS 400-15 U, EN-GJS 400-18 U-LT-2 acc. to DIN A563/ASTM A395) - weight up to 300 kg

alloy cast iron - chromium cast iron (ZbCr16 - 14-17% of chromium, ZbCr32 - 28-34% of chromium) - weight up to 300 kg

alloy cast iron - copper cast iron (ZlCu1,6 - 1,2-2,0% of copper) - weight up to 300 kg

non-ferrous metals - phosphor-tin bronze (CuSn10 P - B101 - copper, 9-11% of tin, 0,8-1,2% of phosphor) - weight up to 80 kg

non ferrous metals - lead-tin-zinc bronze (CuSn5Zn5Pb5 - B555 - copper, 4-6% of tin, 4-6% of zinc, 4-6% of lead) - weight up to 80 kg

non ferrous metals - aluminium-ferric-manganese bronze (CuAl10Fe3Mn2 -BA1032 - copper, 9-11% of aluminium, 2-4% of iron, 1,2% of manganese) - weight up to 80 kg

non ferrous metals - silicon brass (CuZn16Si3,5 - MK80 - copper, 79-81% of brass, 2,5-4,5% of silicon, zinc) - weight up to 80 kg.

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Sales
Company Name: Hydro-Vacuum S.A.
Email: Email
Tel: +48 (56) 45 07 547
Fax: +48 (56) 45 07 346
Street Address: Droga Jeziorna 8
86-303 Grudziądz
Website: http://www.hydro-vacuum.com.pl
Member name: Hydrovacuumsa
Country: Poland-PL Poland
Member Since: 25 March 2008
Total Leads: 38 Hydrovacuumsa Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Pumps, Motors, Protection, Control Systems, Sewage Pumping Stations, Pressure Boosting Systems
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