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Co2cgm Oa1000 Good Quality

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 21 May 2012 7:17 am | Poster last visit: Monday 27 April 2015 |

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co2cgm oa1000

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Product Description:

Embedded sidestream capnograph module

Co2cgm oa1000

The CO2CGM OA1000 module is a complete data collection

and analysis system for monitoring respiratory carbon dioxide concentration. It calculates various real-time parameters :instantaneous CO2 concentration, respiratory rate, end-tidle CO2, inspired CO2, inspiration and expiration times. ETCO2 is a kind of quantitative breathing monitoring method with simple, successive, non-injurious and swift advantages.The method is widely used in clinical. The module is categorematic as well as used in conjunction with oxygen saturation module to examine the gas-blood exchange of patients.It is widly used in intensive and surgery monitoring. Especially in anesthesia monitoring, CO2 parameters is considered to be one of the requisite parameters in normal monitoring .


Transducer Type Sidestream CO2 Canapgraph

Sample Rate 50-250mm/min

Principle of Operation Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) single beam optics, dual wavelength, no moving parts

Warm-up time 10 seconds

Response Time Detector: 10ms,

System: Dependent Upon Implementation, Pneumatics and Water Separation Technique

CO2 Measurement Range 0 to 114 mmHg;

0 to 15.0%;

0 to 15 kPa (at 760 mm Hg)

CO2 Resolution 0.1 mm Hg 0 to 40 mm Hg

0.25 mm Hg 40 to 114 mm Hg

CO2 Accuracy 0 – 40 mmHg:±2 mmHg

40 – 114 mmHg: ±5% of reading

Respiratory Rate Range 3 to 150 Breaths Per Minute (BPM)

Respiratory Rate Accuracy ±1 breath

Automatic Calibration No routine user calibration required

Voltage Requirements 5.0 VDC ±5%

Power Rating Rated input: Less than 2.0 Watts typical.

Temperature and Humidity Operating 0º to 50ºC, 10 to 90% RH, non-condensing

Storage -20º to 70ºC, <90% RH, non-condensing

Data Interface RS232: bi-directional, 38400 baud. Standard E-8-1.

Data Output CO2 gas concentration (mm Hg), End-tidal CO2, Inspired CO2, Respiratory Rate Gas and barometric pressure.

Regulatory Designed to comply Minimum Performance and Safety Requirements for Capnometers and ISO21647. Medical Electrical Equipment performance requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory gas monitors.

Size 78X58X28 mm

Company Contact:

SetolinkExporters photo
Contact Name: Sophia
Company Name: Shenzhen Setolink Exporters Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 86-15013755952
Fax: 86-0755-86330961
Street Address: 5fl, Building 51,
Yangmen Industrial Park, Dakan 2
Village, Xili Town, Nanshan District,
Shenzhen, China
Website: http://www.setolink.com
Member name: SetolinkExporters
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 12 May 2012
Total Leads: 506 SetolinkExporters Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Ecg Cable, Spo2 Sensor, Patient Monitor, Video Colposcope, Pulse Oximeter, Obd Cable
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