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Coating Thickness Meter Cm-8855

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Wednesday 8 August 2012 7:55 am | Poster last visit: Tuesday 20 May 2014 |

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coating meter cm 8855

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Product Description:


* It meets the standards of both ISO2178

and ISO 2361 as well as DIN, ASTM

and BS. It can

be used both in the

laboratory and in harsh field conditions.

* The F probes measure the thickness of

non-magnetic materials (e.g. paint, plastic, porcelain enamel, copper, zinc, aluminum, chrome etc.) on magnetic

materials (e.g. iron, nickel etc.) . often

used to measure the thickness of

galvanizing layer, lacquer layer, porcelain enamel layer, phosphide

layer, copper tile, aluminum tile, some

alloy tile, paper etc.

* The N probes measure the thickness of

n o n - m a g n e t i c c o a t i n g s o n n o n -

m a g n e t i c m e t a l s . I t i s u s e d o n

anodizing, varnish, paint, enamel, plastic coatings, powder, etc. applied

to aluminum, brass, non-magnetic

stainless steel, etc.

* Automatic substrate recognition.

* Manual or automatic shut down.

* Two measurement mode: Single and


* Wide measuring range and high


* Metric/Imperial conversion.

* Digital backlit display gives exact

reading with no guessing or errors.

* Can communicate with PC computer

for statistics and printing by the

optional cable.

* Can store 99 groups of measurements.

* Statistics is available.


Display: 4 digits LCD, backlit

Range: 0~1250 μm/0~50mil

(other ranges can be specified )

Min.radius workpiece: F: Convex 1.5mm/Concave 25mm

N: Convex 3mm/ Concave 50mm

Min. measuring area: 6mm

Min.Sample thickness : 0.3mm

Resolution: 0.1 μm (0~99.9μm);

1 μm (over 100μm)

Accuracy: -+1~3%n or 2.5 μm or 0.1mil

(Whichever is the greater)

Bttery Indicator: Low batter indicator.

PC interface: with RS-232C interface

Power supply: 2x1.5 AAA(UM-4) battery

Operating condition: Temp. 0~50C .

Humidity <95% .

Size: 126x65x35 mm; 5.0x2.6x1.6 inch

Weight: about 81g(not including batteries)

Standard accessories:

Carrying case 1 pc.

Operation manual 1 pc.

F probe in built 1 pc.

NF probe in built1 pc.

Calibration foils 1set.

Substrate (Iron) 1 pc.

Substrate (Aluminium)1 pc.

Optional accessories: RS-232C cable & software:

1.USB adaptor for RS-232C

2.Bluetooth interface

Company Contact:

landtekwyl photo
Contact Name: Annie Wu
Company Name: Guangzhou Landtek Instruments Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 86-020-81609313
Fax: 86-020-81509478
Street Address: Flat C, Kengkou
Electronic Base, No.9 Huaxi Rd.,
Fangcun, Guangzhou, China
Website: https://www.landteknet.com
Member name: landtekwyl
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 31 July 2012
Total Leads: 69 landtekwyl Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Instrument, Meter, Gauge
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