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Commercial Uv Sterilizer

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Friday 25 December 2020 1:27 am | Poster last visit: Friday 25 December 2020 |

Product Category: Main » Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies » Medical sterilization products » Autoclave and sterilizer equipment and accessories » Ultraviolet sterilizer » Commercial Uv Sterilizer

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commercial uv sterilizer

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How is the performance of a uv disinfection device determined?

The main ways UV device companies to

substantiate performance are listed below:

Dose-response models, where UV-dose is measured, then used to estimate device effectiveness in hospitals.

Tests conducted in microbiology labs, where rate-of-kill is measured for various pathogens under tightly controlled conditions.

Environmental effectiveness tests, where hospital rooms are swabbed before and after UV treatment.

uv sterilizer malaysia

Clinical outcome studies, where reduction in infection rates resulting from UV device usage is calculated.

Not all effectiveness data is equally reliable. The remainder of the article describes each category in detail, as it relates to marketing and use of UV room disinfection devices.

Mathematical dose-response models and uv dose-meters (dosimeters)

Generally speaking, UV disinfection machine is a function of UV dose. The correlation is "log-linear, " meaning a line is formed when microbial populations are plotted on a logarithmic scale at various treatment intervals. For instance, if a study were to begin with one million microorganisms on a test surface, it might show 100, 000, then 10, 000, then 1, 000 viable cells after being treated with UV light for 10, 20, and 30 minutes. ultraviolet sterilizer-KNOCK

The straightforward relationship between UV dose and disinfection is a blessing and a curse: It enables smart UV companies to build accurate dose-response models for their machines, but fools less sophisticated UV companies into thinking that no laboratory testing is necessary so long as they have a way to measure or estimate UV dose.

UV dosimeters have found a variety of uses in UV room disinfection. Some companies use UV dosimeters to "prove" their device has disinfected a room. Other companies use UV dosimeters to tell the device when to turn off.

UV dosimeters are most accurate when used to measure narrow-spectrum UV light, the kind of UV light that mercury bulbs produce. Dosimeters are not useful to measure high-intensity broad-spectrum UV light, since the brief pulses of broad-spectrum light exceed the measurement capacity of most dosimeters.

Predictions based on UV dose measurements are only as accurate as the dose-response model used to make the prediction. The use of data from even slightly dissimilar studies (different device, different bulb, different surface type, etc) can render predictions unreliable. Therefore, extra scrutiny should be applied to claims of effectiveness based solely on dose-response modeling, especially if the source data that serves as the basis for the model was taken from previous, unrelated studies.

If you are considering the purchase of a UV room disinfection device based on a company's UV dosimetry data, please read more on mathematical dose-response models for antimicrobial efficacy.

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Jessie Ye
Company Name: Jiangsu Knock Medical Technology Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 13606124811
Street Address: Chtc Floor 6, No.9-1
Taihu East Road, Changzhou 213001,
Website: https://www.k-nock.com
Member name: Knock
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 25 December 2020
Total Leads: 9 Knock Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Portable Ultraviolet Sterilizer, Ultraviolet Sterilizers
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