Product Description:
NP Nutra offers a variety of High Quality Cranberry Juice Powder and CranPhyto™ (Freeze Dried). Further
products are available upon request.
Cranberry fruits contain proanthocyanidins. These are believed to help promote healthy functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys. Cranberries may also support healthy teeth and gums as well as aid memory and stomach health.
Cranberries are commonly found growing in bogs and prefer cooler temperatures. The evergreen creeping shrubs grow low to the ground and up to 2 meters long. It has a small leaf and produces berries, which turn bright red when ripe. Harvest usually takes place by either flooding the beds, and the floating cranberries are corralled together to be collected for harvest or by dry harvest in which the fruit is combed from the vines.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Andrew Carter
Company Name: Np Nutra Corp
Tel: 1310-6943031
Fax: 1310-6062069
Street Address: 15171 S. Figueroa St.
Gardena, CA 20248, USA
Member name: npnutra
Member Since: 19 September 2009
Total Leads:
55 npnutra Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Wholesale, Superfruits, Organic Botanicals, Herbal Ingredients, Raw Materials, Bulk Herbs
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