Product Description:
custom keychains cheap steering wheel promotional key rings wholesale from Chinese keychains factory,
custom keychains are accepted. Custom logo accepted. Sold by piece. Contact us for lastest price or order now.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: May Mai
Company Name: Toptopgifts Ltd
Tel: 8615815898039
Fax: 8615815898039
Street Address: Qifu
Guangzhou, Guangdong 510400
Member name: toptopgifts
Country: China
Member Since: 06 May 2013
Total Leads: 377 toptopgifts Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Beaded Gifts, Beaded Decorations, Beaded Collars, Fashion Jewelries, Gifts, Jewelry Accessories, Rhinestone Cabochons
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips
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