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Dc High Voltage Generator

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Tuesday 13 December 2011 1:00 am | Poster last visit: Monday 21 March 2016 |

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dc voltage generator

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Product Description:

D.C High Voltage Generator

Used for the preventive experiments for power organizations’ varied high

voltage electric apparatus devices, including experiments of D.C durability of voltage in cables, current leak of the lightening arrestor and 1mA RV(reference voltage)

Rated operational voltage: 0~60kV、120kV、200kV、300kV、400kV、600kV、1000kV、1200kV、1500kV

Rated operational current: 2mA、3mA、5mA、10mA、20mA

Capacity: 120VA、240VA、400VA——20kVA

Measuring accuracy: ±1%

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Yu Hao
Company Name: China, Wuhan Guodian Huarui Power Test Technology Co., Ltd.
Email: Email
Tel: 86-027-87446136
Fax: 86-027-87446394
Street Address: Wuhan, Wujiashan
Taiwanese Investment Zones (San Dian),
Xinchengda Optical Science
And Technology Industrial Park,
Guodian Huarui Building, Wuhan, China
Member name: gdhrdy
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 12 December 2011
Total Leads: 51 gdhrdy Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Hv Power Transmitting, Transforming Equipment, Insulation Power Factor Testing Transformer, Special Transformer, Dc Hv Power Generator, Automatic Test
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