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Diabet-ease For Diabetes

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Friday 21 January 2011 3:19 am | Poster last visit: Thursday 23 June 2016 | Targeted Countries: USA | UK | Germany

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diabet ease diabetes

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Product Description:

 In term of treatment of hyperglycaemia and diabetes, this kind of product is a great accompany,

which can shield excessive sugar in the diet and help human body to control blood glucose as well as improve diabetes complications.

  In addition, it is health food researched and developed jointly by Healtang Co. with Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  L-Arabinose is five carbon atoms of the rare function of sugar with no calories and half sweetness of normal sugar, which is distilled from plant fiber and peel.

  There is the working process as follows:

  1. it can inhibit elevated blood glucose caused by excessive sugar, while protecting a small portion of sugar to reach the body’s large intestine in order to make this kind of sugar be resolved to produce large amounts of organic acids which is pretty good for reducing blood fat.

  2. the natural ingredients, which containe, Bitter melon extract, Polygonatum extract, chromium yeast, ethylamine sulfonic acid, have also the function to depress the blood glucose.

  Overall, the greatest difference is that it is a natural plant extract, without any side effects and toxic pharmaceutical ingredients.

  The good news is that it has been accepted by most people with diabetes in China and effectively improved their health.

【 Ingredients 】:L-Arabinose, Bitter melon extract, Polygonatum extract, chromium yeast, ethylamine sulfonic acid

【 Packing】:Tablet, 0.8g x 300

【 recommended Dosage】:take two tablets before every meal

【 Recommendation】:more water, less fried greasy food

Company Contact:

healtang photo
Contact Name: Fred
Company Name: Healtang Biotech Co, Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: +86-531-83506666 or 86-531-8351-1609
Fax: +86-531-83501218
Street Address: Diaozhen Industrial
Development Zone, Jinan, Shandong,
China 250204
Member name: healtang
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 31 July 2010
Total Leads: 18 healtang Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: D-xylose, L-arabinose, Xylitol, D-ribose, Fructose, Sweetener
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