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Diamond Segmented Tuck Point Saw Blade Granite Concrete Stone Marble Tile
Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Thursday 23 February 2012 8:58 am | Poster last visit: Friday 16 March 2018 |
Product Description:
This is for One Piece. 4.5 inches Wet Blade Segmented tuck point. Segment with is 5/16 Wide. Excellent
for cutting out spaces for 1/4 inch Steel Rods.. Works on Stone, Granite, Concrete. 7/8 center Hole with spacer to make 5/8 inch center hole.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Jane
Company Name: Xiamen Diamond Tools Co., Ltd
Tel: +86 592-5099391
Fax: +86 592-5099319
Street Address: Floor 11d, Hongsheng
Building, No.4, West Hexiang Road,
Xiamen, China Website: https://www.stonediamondtool.com
Member name: StoneDiamondTools
Country: China
Member Since: 08 July 2011
Total Leads: 466 StoneDiamondTools Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Stone Diamond Tools
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips
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