Product Description:
Dongfeng T375 truck parts. We Shiyan Songlin Industry and Trading co. Ltd. is located in Dongfeng production
base Shiyan City, so our price is absolutely competitive with other supplier. and our producted was exported to Russia, Iran, Vietnam, etc. and get excellent feedback on our 100% original high quality product and professional service team.
I have browsed your website and know you have imported Dongfeng T375 parts for nearly ten years, so you must have your steady supplier, but i am not sure if they are located in our Shiyan city or some other China city. No matter how, we hope that you can give us a chance to test our product sample and know more about our quotation and service, we believe it also give yourself a chance that we can help you extend your market also. Waiting for your soon reply.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Angel Ho
Company Name: Shiyan Songlin Industry And Trading Co. Ltd.
Tel: 0086 15172297419 or 86-719-8312335
Fax: 0086 719 8312551
Street Address: No. 214, 2nd Building,
Zhenya Area, Bailang Auto Parts Center,
Shiyan City, Hubei Province, China
Member name: chinasonglin
Member Since: 19 March 2010
Total Leads:
4 chinasonglin Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Dongfeng Truck Parts, Dongfeng T375, 4251, D300 Truck Parts, Cummins Engine Parts
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