Product Description:
Drainage screen used to wash and filter the reaction dissolved matter in the pulp, inflow consistency
2-3%, outflow consistency 6-8%.
Bagasse continuously enter into the flat belt conveyor, whose width is 500 mm, running speed is 0.3 1.5 m/s, first enter the bagasse depithing machine to remove part of bagasse depithing, then enter into preliminary invasion disperser and add water to dissolve the sugar, then pumping to the dewatering screen and dewatering to the pulp consistency of 6-8%, and then into the drying machine to dry to pulp concentrations of 20-40%, now the sugar fully extracted.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Vicky Wang
Company Name: Hengbon Industrial Co., Ltd.
Skype: vicky_hengbon
Yahoo Messanger:
Tel: 0086 15610503516
Fax: 0086 532 82823216
Street Address: Hengbon Industrial Zone,
Zhucheng, Weifang, Shandong, China
Member name: papermc
Member Since: 12 January 2010
Total Leads:
2183 papermc Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Paper Machinery, Stock Preparation, Stock Pulper, Refiner, Pressure Screen, Paper, Machinery, Screen, Cleaner, Thruster, Washer, Conveyor, Thickener
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