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Flotation Deinking Machine, Paper Machine, Pulp Equipment, Stock Preparation

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 18 June 2012 4:43 am | Poster last visit: Monday 25 November 2019 |

Product Photo:

flotation deinking machine paper pulp equipment stock preparation

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Product Description:

Flotation Deinking machine:

1.Working Principle and Performance:

Deinking Cell for paper stock preparation

line is pumped and sent tangentially to the top of the cell after being aerated by a set of small auto clean injectors. Once in the cell, air bubbles, after collecting ink particles, rise up to the top of the cell to creat a thick foam mat which is evacuated due to the slight pressurization of the cell. The stock partially de-inked goes to a de-aeration chamber and is pumped full flow to the next stage. The operation is exactly the same as for the first stage, with the same number of injectors and same flow.

The operation is repeated up to five times, thus giving the best possible ink removal under industrial conditions. Re-mixing of the air coming from the downstream stages aids the upper stages significantly improving the overall cell efficiency.

2. Strong Point:

Inclined Screw Thickener, paper machine, pulping machine, waste paper recycling machine, paper cup, paper making machine.Mac flotation cell of ONP, OMG and MOW

Multiple aeration stage: the inner part of the cell is divided into 4-5 layers, the single Mac Flotation Cell can make 4-5 stages flotation treatment.Enclosed design, injector flush system.

Company Contact:

papermc photo
Contact Name: Vicky Wang
Company Name: Hengbon Industrial Co., Ltd.
Email: Email
MSN: Email
Skype: vicky_hengbon
Yahoo Messanger: Email
Tel: 0086 15610503516
Fax: 0086 532 82823216
Street Address: Hengbon Industrial Zone,
Zhucheng, Weifang, Shandong, China
Member name: papermc
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 12 January 2010
Total Leads: 2183 papermc Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Paper Machinery, Stock Preparation, Stock Pulper, Refiner, Pressure Screen, Paper, Machinery, Screen, Cleaner, Thruster, Washer, Conveyor, Thickener
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