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Gabion Mesh Mattresses

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Friday 18 February 2022 8:47 am | Poster last visit: Friday 18 February 2022 |

Product Category: Main » Manufacturing Components and Supplies » Hardware » Metal nets and screening structures » Gabion » Gabion Mesh Mattresses

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gabion mesh mattresses

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Product Description:

Gabion mattresses are rectangular containers made of hexagonal woven steel wire mesh laced together and

filled with stones or crushed rock.

Wires for gabions and mattresses may be polyester coated. The wires shall be resistant to chemical attack in the pH range 2 to 9, be resistant to attack by bacteria, and not be attractive to vermin. They shall also be stable over a temperature range of -60℃ to 100℃ and be resistant to degradation by ultraviolet radiation such that strength loss due to 10 years exposure to sunlight shall not exceed 20%.

Gabion mattresses are used for river bank and scour protection

The mesh shall be securely tied to salvage wires to form rectangular panels which shall be securely wired together to form the completed gabion baskets. The ties and connections for each gabion basket shall comprise not less than 8% of its total weight, and the fabrication shall be all to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Gabions shall be made to the sizes as shown on the drawings. Gabion mattresses shall be made to sizes shown in WAJ Typical details of trenches for sewer pipes and as per MPWH specifications. Each gabion mattress or compartment of a gabion mattress shall be provided with at least 4 cross- connecting wires.

Gabion Mattress is a double twisted hexagonal woven galvanized steel wire mesh compartmented basket with a rectangular mattress shape. The compartment or cells of the mattress are of equal size and dimension and are formed by internal diaphragms being placed within the basket providing even distribution of the stone fill throughout the mattress even after structural movement. Even distribution of the stone fill ensures that the reno mattress maintains intimate contact with the foundation soil.

Gabion Mattresses have been used for channel linings, river training, soil retention, slope stabilization, and other applications successfully throughout the world for over 100 years. Gabion Mattresses offer many advantages over other types of construction materials.

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Li Xiaoyao
Company Name: Aerct Gabiony Factory
Email: Email
Tel: 0086-534-8753002
Fax: 0086-534-8753002
Street Address: Hongqi St. Wuxi,
Dezhou, China
Dezhou, Shandong 253000
Website: https://www.gabiony.net
Member name: AerctGabionyFactory
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 18 February 2022
Total Leads: 6 AerctGabionyFactory Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Hexagonal Wire Netting, Welded Mesh Gabions, Woven Hexagonal Gabions, Gabions Baskets, Gabion Boxes, Mattress
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