Product Description:
Gallium arsenide (GaAs) is a semiconductor compound used in some diode s, field-effect transistor s,
and integrated circuit s . The charge carriers, which are mostly electron s, move at high speed among the atom s. This makes GaAs components useful at ultra-high radio frequencies, and in fast electronic switching applications. GaAs devices generate less noise than most other types of semiconductor components. This is important in weak-signal amplification.
Gallium arsenide is used in the manufacture of light-emitting diode s (LEDs), which are found in optical communications and control systems. Gallium arsenide can replace silicon in the manufacture of linear ICs and digital ICs. Linear devices include oscillator s and amplifier s. Digital devices are used for electronic switching, and also in computer systems.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Tom Zhu
Company Name: East High Tech Limited
Tel: +86-25-57248353
Fax: +86-25-57209791
Street Address: Shahe Road 58#,
China, Jiangsu 211200
Member name: EastHighTechLimited
Member Since: 24 September 2014
Total Leads:
44 EastHighTechLimited Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Ceramic Sputtering Targets Ito, Izo, Azo, Gzo, Igzo, Ybco, Pzt, Sm2o3, Eu2o3, Gd2o3, Tb4o7, Dy2o3, Ho2o3, Er2o3, Tm2o3, Yb2o3, Lu2o3, Sc2o3, Y2o3, Ta2o5
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