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High Quality 3 Inch Wet Polishing Pad 50 Grit

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Thursday 19 April 2012 6:54 am | Poster last visit: Friday 16 March 2018 |

Product Photo:

3 wet polishing pad 50 grit

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Products Photos Catalog Wet Polishing Pad Grit Photos Catalog

Product Description:

Diamond polishing pads used with water, enable the working materials' surface a high gloss, even a mirror


Our Diamond Polishing Pads are used for polishing or buffing granite, marble, natural stone and cured concrete. Diamond Polishing Pads come with velcro backing. The pads grit can vary from #50 to #3, 000 and buff; final buff polishing pads are available in black and white.

Company Contact:

StoneDiamondTools photo
Contact Name: Jane
Company Name: Xiamen Diamond Tools Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: +86 592-5099391
Fax: +86 592-5099319
Street Address: Floor 11d, Hongsheng
Building, No.4, West Hexiang Road,
Xiamen, China
Website: https://www.stonediamondtool.com
Member name: StoneDiamondTools
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 08 July 2011
Total Leads: 466 StoneDiamondTools Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Stone Diamond Tools
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