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High-quality Glass-fused-to-steel Tanks With Awwa D103 / En Iso28765 Standard

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Thursday 2 April 2020 8:47 am | Poster last visit: Tuesday 7 April 2020 |

Product Category: Main » Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and Supplies » Containers and storage » Tanks and cylinders and their accessories » Water storage tanks » High-quality Glass-fused-to-steel Tanks With Awwa D103 / En Iso28765 Standard

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Product Description:

Center enamel is the industry leader in bolted steel tanks and the largest manufacturer of glass fused

to steel tank, glass lined steel tank and bolted steel tank in China. Central Enamel Glass fused steel tanks are engineered to meet or exceed AWWA d103-09 and EN/ iso28765:2011.Center Enamel is a well established, world-leading storage tanks manufacturer in China

What is glass-fused to Steel?

Molten Glass reacts with the Steel plate surface at 820° c-930 °C after launch to form an inert and inorganic bond, combining the strength and flexibility of Steel with excellent corrosion resistant Glass, so the glass-fused to Steel tank can provide many of the advantages of standard epoxy or welded paint tanks.

Glass-Fused-to-Steel Tanks Specifications

Coating color

dark blue, dark green, white, and customized

A standard steel plate size

effective size 2400mm x 1200 m

Steel plates thickness

3mm - 12mm, depends on the diameter & height

Coating thickness

0.25mm - 0.4mm, two coatings internal and external

Acid and alkalinity proof

standard coating suits for PH3 - PH11, special coating suits for PH1 - PH14


3, 450N/cm


same as steel sheet, around 500KN/mm


6.0 Mohs

Service life

>30 years

Spark test

>1500 V


gas and liquid impermeable

Easy yo clean

smooth, glossy, inert, anti-adhesion

Corrosion resistance

excellent! Suitable for wastewater salt water, seawater, high sulfur crude oil, salt fox, organic and inorganic compounds

Advantages of glass fused to steel tanks

Short construction period

Excellent corrosion resistance, service life of more than 30 years

Easy installation, no need for large installation equipment and/or very skilled workers

Tank volume can be easily expanded

It can be dismantled, removed and relocated

Elegant appearance, tanks color can be customized

High-quality Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks can be used to store a variety of applications, which include

Drinking Water Storage

Potable Water Storage

Industrial Wastewater Storage

Anaerobic Digester

Biogas Storage

Leachate Storage

Agricultural Water Storage

Fire Water Storage

Dry Bulk Storage

Municipal Sewage

Company Contact:

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Contact Name: Center Enamel
Company Name: Center Enamel
Email: Email
Tel: 15013092031
Street Address: No.81 Huaan E.road,
Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050000
Website: https://www.cectank.com
Member name: CenterEnamel
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 24 February 2020
Total Leads: 37 CenterEnamel Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Glass Fused to Steel Tanks, Stainless Steel Bolted Tanks, Roofs And Covers, Tank Ancillaries
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