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Hwb 780 Hwb800 Hwb850

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 14 December 2009 3:05 am | Poster last visit: Friday 26 February 2010 |

Product Photo:

hwb 780 hwb800 hwb850

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Product Description:

Shijiazhuang Zeyuan Optic Material Co., Ltd

Model : RG715 RG780 RG800 RG830 RG850

IR filters

are often used in devices with bright incandecent light bulbs (such as slide and overhead projectors) to prevent unwanted heating .

Company Contact:

ShijiazhuangZeyuanOptic photo
Contact Name: Susan
Company Name: Shijiazhuang Zeyuan Optic Material Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 86-311-81580248
Fax: 86-311-83591808
Street Address: Shenzhe Town ,
Shijiazhuang City, Heibei Province,
Website: https://zygx.cn
Member name: ShijiazhuangZeyuanOptic
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 27 September 2009
Total Leads: 54 ShijiazhuangZeyuanOptic Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Optical Filters, Optical Glass, Uv Glass, Ir Glass, Heat-absorbing Glass
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