Product Description:
ITO ceramic tiles with areas up to 1500–1700 cm2 and densities of 99+% of TD are manufactured. Physical
properties of the ITO ceramics and sputtered films have been studied.
the ceramic material features a highly homogeneous nanostructured transparency and thin films which are electrically conductive. Based on research, it claims that rotary sputtering cathodes optimize the ITO ceramic sputtering targets and sputtering efficiency. high purity Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (Ga2O3 / In2O3 / ZnO, IGZO) sputtering target with the highest possible density and smallest possible average grain sizes .for use in semiconductor, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and physical vapor deposition (PVD) display and optical applications
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Tom Zhu
Company Name: East High Tech Limited
Tel: +86-25-57248353
Fax: +86-25-57209791
Street Address: Shahe Road 58#,
China, Jiangsu 211200
Member name: EastHighTechLimited
Member Since: 24 September 2014
Total Leads:
44 EastHighTechLimited Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Ceramic Sputtering Targets Ito, Izo, Azo, Gzo, Igzo, Ybco, Pzt, Sm2o3, Eu2o3, Gd2o3, Tb4o7, Dy2o3, Ho2o3, Er2o3, Tm2o3, Yb2o3, Lu2o3, Sc2o3, Y2o3, Ta2o5
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