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Kilner Artery Forceps

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Thursday 31 December 2009 8:50 pm | Poster last visit: Monday 21 November 2016 |

Product Photo:

kilner artery forceps

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Product Description:

Kilner Artery Forceps

What is the Product made of?: Stainless Steel

Latex Free?: Yes

Is this

Product Sterile?: No

Sterilizing Info: As per relevant HTM regulations

Certifications: CE mark, ISO 9001, FDA

Company Contact:

AIMSurgicalDevices photo
Contact Name: Ali A. Chattha
Company Name: Aim Surgical Devices
Email: Email
Tel: +92-313-4901234 or 92-346-6765300
Fax: +92-52-4604986
Street Address: P.O.Box 2399,
Plot #9/278, Rang Pura Road, Sialkot
51310 Pakistan
Website: http://www.aimsurgical.com
Member name: AIMSurgicalDevices
Country: Pakistan-PK Pakistan
Member Since: 11 October 2009
Total Leads: 344 AIMSurgicalDevices Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Surgical Instruments, Medical Tools, Forceps, Scissors, Dental Instruments
Chat: Chat with Suppliers
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

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