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Lega Di Acciaio Al Carbonio, Pezzi Di Precisione,

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Tuesday 8 June 2010 12:02 pm | Poster last visit: Thursday 9 August 2012 |

Product Photo:

lega di acciaio al carbonio pezzi precisione

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Products Photos Catalog Lega Acciaio Carbonio Photos Catalog

Product Description:

lega di acciaio al carbonio, pezzi di precisione, parti di CNC, fresatura, materiale acciaio al carbonio

45 #, 60 #, ossido nero, MOQ: 1 pezzo

Dopo il taglio del filo, fresatura cnc, fresatura normale, foratura, ecc

Tolearance: + / -0, 01 millimetri

Per le macchine a raggi X, gli alimenti Macchine per imballaggio, ecc

Company Contact:

cnemingmould868 photo
Contact Name: Shemin Zhao
Company Name: Shanghai Eming Mould Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 86-21-58647688
Fax: 86-21-58646534
Street Address: No 399 Zhonggao Road
Pudong, Shanghai, China 200137
Website: http://www.emingmould.com
Member name: cnemingmould868
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 13 June 2009
Total Leads: 925 cnemingmould868 Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Precision Parts, Machine Parts, Cnc Machining
Chat: Chat with Suppliers
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

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