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Lutein 10%-90% By Hplc

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Friday 6 May 2011 5:34 am | Poster last visit: Monday 9 May 2011 |

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lutein 10 90 hplc

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Product Description:

Name Lutein

Ingredient Lutein 10%-90% BY HPLC

Specification 10%-90%

Test method HPLC



name: Lutein

Appearance: Orange powder

Raw material: Flower

Main function:The antioxidant for healthy vision and skin, has reached a new threshold in its impact on a chronic eye disease. Lutein probably acts by preventing oxidative damage of the retina cells. Lutein is concentrated in the central part of the retina, called the macula. In the macula are yellow pigments (macular pigments, composed of zeaxanthin and lutein) which protect the retina from damage of the photo-oxidative affect of blue light. Lutein can also reduce the risk of skin cancer and sunburn. Under influence of sunlight, free radicals are formed inside the skin. These free radicals can damage the DNA of cells. Lutein can protect against the damaging effects of UV-B radiation.

Company Contact:

DaxinganlingLingonberry photo
Contact Name: Sophia He
Company Name: Daxinganling Lingonberry Group
Email: Email
Tel: 86 15377537012 or 86-452-6101888
Fax: 86 452 6197939
Street Address: 5f, C Liandalijing
Bulding, No 259 Xinjiang Road,
Jianhua District, Qiqihaer City,
Heilongjiang Province, China, 161000.
Website: http://www.lgberry.com
Member name: DaxinganlingLingonberry
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 06 May 2011
Total Leads: 77 DaxinganlingLingonberry Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Plant Extract
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