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Mf910 Degreaser

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mf910 degreaser

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Product Description:


Refinish Automotive Paint

Product Name/Model:MF910-Degreaser


to remove greaser, oil and other surface contaminations to avoild paint film defects.

Substrates: existing finishes, primer, putty and metal.

Mixing Ratio:This product is ready for use.


1. Clean the substrates with water to remove water-soluble contaminations and then dry is off.

2. Degrease the substrates with tack rag wetted with degreaser, 3. Wipe and dry substrates with another clean tack rag Shelf Life:2 years in original sealed can, cool and dry place at 20℃


Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Qiqin Huang
Company Name: Guangzhou Zhenroumei Chemical Coatings Limited
Email: Email
Tel: 02087833698
Fax: 2087833698
Street Address: No. 16, Industrial
Avenue Shihai
Conghua, Guangdong 510970
Website: http://www.topwingspaint.com
Member name: topwingspaint
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 10 May 2017
Total Leads: 18 topwingspaint Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Auto Coatings, Automotive Paints
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