Product Description:
mini speaker pill speaker for iPhone ipod Laptop MP3 mp4 tablet pc laptop computerDre BPill Bluetooth Wireless neon pill Speaker
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Peter
Company Name: Winbtechnology Co Ltd
Tel: 13510705073
Fax: 8675583722519
Street Address: Shenzhen Shenzhen
Guangdong, Guangdong 5181000 China
Other Contact Info:
Skype: Davidesprit
Whatsapp: 008613510705073
Wechat : 958577636 Website:
Member name: winbtechchinasupplier
Country: China
Member Since: 27 January 2014
Total Leads: 266 winbtechchinasupplier Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Phone, Accessories Tablet Pc
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips
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