Product Description:
Do you want to have oil painting of Claude Monet's 'Water Lily Pond', Davinci's 'Mona Lisa' or Van
Gogh's 'Starry Night', etc. in your own home?
Xiamen Romandy Art can help you!
We offer handmade reproductions of the most famous oil paintings. Besides our profession and competitive prices, customer service is our advantage as well. We will work with you throughout the process to make sure that the painting you receive is exactly what you want.
With our service, you can enjoy having your own hand painted reproduction of the Great Masters, which would be more than what you may expect. We know that you want the best quality at the best price. We can do that for you! We will make your dream of hanging the perfect work of art in your home or office come true!
We guarantee that every piece of our oil painting is 100% hand-painted. Our team of talented and experienced artists recreate line-for-line and stroke-for-stroke according to the great artworks of masters using the highest quality oil paints and canvas, which makes our oil paintings nearly reach the museum quality standard.
If you need the oil painting masterpiece reproduction, please don't hesitate to contact with us. Thank you.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Kevin Pan
Company Name: Xiamen Romandy Art Limited
Tel: 0086-592-7544368
Fax: 0086-592-7544368
Street Address: No.: 29 Ruijing Park,
Siming District, Xiamen, China
Member name: Romandyart
Member Since: 04 June 2010
Total Leads:
3 Romandyart Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Oil Paintings, Convert Photos To Oil Paintings, Oil Painting Masterpiece Reproduction
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