Product Description:Pansy (Viola tricolor) to soothe and treat skin conditions and to fight skin imperfections.
In folk
remedies, a poultice of wild pansy (Viola tricolor) is applied to any skin ailment to help clear it up, and the proven anti-microbial effect of this plant has validated its ancient use.
This herb has traditionally been used for acne, but also for any skin imperfections, including eczema, pruritus or any condition where inflammation was present.
Recent clinical trials have confirmed the antimicrobial effect of this plant while the anti-inflammatory effect of Pansy helps for a vast array of skin imperfections, as well as an anti-aging ingredient, as any inflammatory condition may contribute to aging.
Apart from this, it also contains good antioxidant properties and has a soothing action on the skin.
Description of Pansy / Viola tricolor
It is an annual or short-lived perennial herb with rounded to heart shaped leaves and three-colored flowers, originating in Europe and Asia.
Compounds found in Pansy / Viola tricolor
The dried above-ground parts (violae tricoloris herba) are normally used and contain methyl-salicylic acid and violutoside (the glucosidoarabinoside of salicylic methyl ester), numerous flavonoids (such as rutin, violanthin, scoparin, vicenin 2 and C-glycosides of vitexin, saponaretin, orientin and iso-orientin), anthocyanins, violaxanthin and derivatives as well as coumarins.
Cosmetic classification of Pansy / Viola tricolor
Pansy / Viola tricolor extract is an extract of the pansy (violet) Viola tricolor (Family Violaceae) and is classified as a biological product.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Jerome Zhu
Company Name: Naturalin Bio-Resources Co., Ltd.
Tel: 86-731-84834151
Fax: 86-731-84834151
Street Address: A-1803, Times Pioneer,
No.98 Sifangping, Kaifuqu,
Changsha, Hunan, China 410003
Member name: Naturalin
Member Since: 02 August 2010
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