Product Description:
In bulk LN, polaritons at low wave vectors move forward at an angle of approximately 26°. As the polariton
wave vector increases, the phase velocity is reduced and so is the forward propagation angle.Thus, in bulk crystals the forward component must be accounted for in order to obtain the complete polariton wave vector. Meanwhile, in films whose thickness d is on the order of or less than the polariton wavelength, polaritons are guided within the film plane and travel in the direction of the waveguide propagation constant.
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Jingzheng
Company Name: Jinan Jingzheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-0531-66956298
Fax: +86-531-88809907
Street Address: D201, 750 Shunhua Road,
Jinan High-tech Zone, Jinan 250101, P. R. China
Member name: Lnoi
Member Since: 04 January 2013
Total Leads:
277 Lnoi Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Single Crystal Lithium Niobate Thin Film, Lithium Niobate Thin Film, Thin Lithium Tantalite, Linbo3 Film, Lnoi
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